oap79: The Door Slammed Shut by William Lloyd

Scroll down for the synopsis and cast of characters
Summary Performance History

Winter 2014. A performance by the Geneva English Drama Society with Nic Sommer and Sue Leather.


Script Notes-


Lawrence is alone in his London apartment ironing his underpants when the doorbell rings. He is confronted by a scantily clad Sarah who has been locked out of her flat. Sarah sends him on a mission to rescue her door keys which lead to physical hardship, the novels of Anthony Trollope, accountancy, his underpants (again), domestic milk delivery via the Internet and the possibility of romance via a crossing of the Meridian Line at the Greenwich Observatory.

The Cast List

An accountant in his early forties. He is precise and careful in his manner, speech and habits. He is divorced and lives alone in a 1st floor flat in Canary Wharf. In the opening, he is sitting in an armchair in his living room. He is informally dressed with carpet slippers and wearing spectacles. When not in conversation with Sarah, Lawrence addresses the audience.
SARAH Powell:
Single, in her late thirties. She is reticent and unforthcoming in her manner. Sarah initially appears in a skimpy nightdress to Lawrence, but she could wear a simple white garment.